Think Outside the Box and Create a LOVE Portal!

A portal is a doorway or entrance that can’t be missed. Think of how neat it would be to enter through a portal of LOVE! 

Place the portals around campus and watch people’s reactions as they pass through. 


1. Construct the frame of your LOVE portal out of chicken wire or pvc pipes.
2. Use cardboard to craft the body of your portal. You want something that you will be able to attach items to.
3. Add embellishments such as cheerleader pom poms, streamers, and of course your LOVE art!

See More DIY Projects

More Than a Yard Sign

Use outdoor spaces to display artwork from The American LOVE Project. An old yard sign provides a portable way to display your art.

Teacher Doorways

Think of the doorway into your classroom as a grand entrance into a world of LOVE and inspiration.

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